Finding a Solution through your Separation

Local Divorce Family Mediation Specialists

For family disputes not only do courts want couples to try mediation but it’s becoming the most common option for couples to resolve family issues.  Just Divorce Family Mediation can help in most disputes when you are unable to solve them alone.

Mediation The Perfect Starting Point

family disputes

It is worth considering mediation if you are can’t to sort family issues. Mediation involves talking with your ex partner in the presence of a professional family accredited mediators. Just Divorce Family Mediation Liverpool is different from marriage guidance or counselling which deals with emotions in a relationship. It assumes that your relationship has broken down and you are attempting to resolve disputes with your children involved or a, partner regarding home, legal practicalities, child custody or finances.

As a result of the relationship breakup, the family mediation process looks at some ways to resolve disputes. Nevertheless, it is perceived to be a way of avoiding the court process. Hence, it saves too much money, stress and time. We offer shuttle mediation where you are in separate rooms. This can take away the stress of facing an ex-partner in the same room.

This also is necessary when there has been domestic violence, abuse or control in the relationship. We will always ensure there is equal power balance in the mediation assessment meetings.  The Family Mediation meeting assists in reducing the stress, tension, misunderstandings and anger.

In addition to that, it improves communication between the different parties involved. This is one of the greatest advantages of mediation as communication is very important when trying to reach an agreement. This is specifically important for partners if they have children as they need to corporate over the upbringing and care in the upcoming years.

Family Mediation Liverpool FAQ

Just Divorce Mediation Liverpool is suitable for people who are either single, married, do or don’t have children. At any negotiation stage, you will both feel that it could assist. An accredited mediator is a trained person for creating and maintaining a sense of balance in the discussions in a neutral environment with your former partner.

However, can consult a solicitor for guidance if you there have been any issues involving domestic violence. If you want family mediation yet you don’t want your partner to get access to your contacts, you can inform our Just Divorce Liverpool mediator.

Are There Disadvantages to Just Divorce Mediation Liverpool?

Mediation can come with a lot of emotional stress. It can be quite traumatic for the two of you to face each other. However, there is a lot which can be gained. If one of you had made all the decisions or held the pursue strings, you could feel at a disadvantage. But, the mediator will keep everything on level ground.

The major disadvantage will occur when the solicitor is not used to the mediation process. The solicitor is the only person who can apply for personal circumstances to the law as well as for deciding that mediation is equitable and fair.

The Benefits of Using a Support Group During a Family Dispute

Family disputes can be very complex and sometimes there are issues that cannot be resolved amicably between the parties involved. Just Divorce Mediation Liverpool services can be extremely helpful in these situations and in order to ensure the best possible outcome, it is important that all parties are fully aware of the options available to them.

Family Mediation is a neutral third party and most often used in cases where there is an ongoing conflict between the partners involved. It is often the best option as a last resort and there is a much better chance of reaching an agreement once the accredited mediators are involved.

However, family mediation is not suitable for all parties and the mediator’s solicitor and the other party’s lawyer will probably consider any problems that might make mediation impossible or inconvenient

Impartial Mediation

In the vast majority of cases, mediation is more effective than going to court. This is because a mediator is able to listen to both sides and then offer solutions that are mutually beneficial to everyone involved.

There is also no need to deal with lengthy, expensive litigation, which is particularly important where children are concerned. Family mediation is a form of informal communication and if your partner is agreeable to the idea, you may find yourself agreeing to things that you would never have agreed to otherwise.

For example, you may agree to the mediation but disagree with one or two of the questions asked during the mediation sessions. In this situation, it is up to you to ask a question or to try to clarify what the other person is trying to say.


Communication is a very important part of mediation. You will both need to make sure that you keep each other informed and that you are clear about any agreements or misunderstandings that arise from the mediation session. If one of the parties is unhappy, the other will need to be as well. At this stage, if you both agree, mediation can be concluded and this is when you can both move on with your lives.

The mediation process can be quite stressful at times and for some people, they may find it very difficult to make the most of the time that is allowed. The mediators job is to be a neutral third party as mediation serves to resolve the disputes you may be experiencing.

Family Disagreements - How to Solve Family Disputes Before Going to Court?

Family disputes and legal disagreements between spouses, parents or children, sometimes end with a divorce, separation or a simple custody agreement. However, most family disputes occur among members of the family, resulting in a family court hearing or other adversarial proceeding.

When families and divorces get too heated, there may be family disputes over the family home, where children spend most of their time, as well as property, children custody, or child support. In such cases, mediation is usually considered by both parties. Dispute resolution in court is often an expensive process. When both parties are represented, there may be exorbitant legal fees, witness fees, and other expenses that may not be covered by insurance.

In addition, the trial and the court proceedings may take place on short notice and require a lot of travel. Therefore, families and divorces sometimes resort to alternative dispute resolution. Just Divorce Family mediation Liverpool service s an alternative to a family court hearing and can often provide more favourable outcomes. Family mediation and arbitration are alternative dispute resolution methods that focus on eliminating the most contentious family disputes through negotiation and mutual understanding.

Sorting Family Conflicts

Your Just Divorce Liverpool mediator’s job is to try to resolve any underlying disputes between the parties, and may also make suggestions to help improve the situation. An accredited family mediator usually has extensive experience in dealing with both family disputes and litigation. If you think that your dispute may lead to a court action, you should contact a professional family law attorney before resorting to alternative resolution procedures. Your lawyer will be able to tell you if it is worth your effort and expense to pursue a court case.

Remember, if you are involved in a family conflict resolution, your goal should be to reach an agreement that works in your favour. When possible, you should settle the matter before going to court. Speak to the Just Divorce Family Mediation Liverpool team today for further information.

Top 10 Tips - Family Dispute Mediation

1. Family mediation at Just Divorce Mediation involves a voluntary and confidential process facilitated by qualified family mediators. Our mediation services provide a safe space for open and honest discussions to help resolve family disputes amicably.

2. Attending mediation can be highly beneficial in resolving conflicts. Through mediation services, participants can address various issues, including child custody arrangements and financial disagreements, with the guidance of our experienced accredited mediators.

3.Our mediation services are conducted in a neutral environment by an experienced third party family mediator, ensuring confidentiality throughout the process. You and the other party can trust that your discussions will remain private and that the mediation process will be conducted in a respectful and professional manner.

4. When you attend Mediation it offers a neutral third party and a platform to discuss various matters in an honest and open discussion, including child custody arrangements, financial issues, and conflicts involving other members of your family. Participants can work towards mutually agreeable cost effective solutions that consider the best interests of all involved to resolve disputes with your former partner.

5. Concerned about the family mediation cost? Just Divorce Mediation Liverpool offers legal aid options to ensure that the mediation process is accessible to all individuals, regardless of their financial situation to provide a cost effective solution to your dispute.

6. Online mediation services are available for those unable to attend sessions in person. Through secure online platforms, the mediators job is to assist in you so you can engage in mediation sessions conveniently from their own homes, ensuring accessibility and flexibility, giving you more control over child inclusive mediation.

7. Our accredited family mediators create an environment conducive to open and honest discussions. Our skilled mediators facilitate productive conversations from your initial meeting, ensuring that participants feel heard and understood throughout the mediation process.

8. Decisions made during your mediation meeting are not automatically legally binding. However, if both parties agree, the decisions reached during mediation can be formalized into legally binding agreements, providing certainty and stability moving forward.

9. Mediation information is provided to participants to help them prepare for the assessment meeting and mediation sessions. This includes details about the mediation process, what to expect during sessions, and how to effectively communicate and negotiate during mediation.

10. Our family mediation services are a cost effective solution and can be used to resolve disputes involving other family members and help find resolution in your decision making process my facilitating honest and open discussions, not just with an ex-partner. Whether it’s child inclusive mediation, conflicts with parents, siblings, or extended family, our mediators are here to assist in finding peaceful resolutions that promote harmony within the family unit. For further information speak to our team today. 

Why Choose just divorce Mediation Liverpool?
Conflict Resolution

Mediation is a collaborative process that encourages open dialogue between you and your ex partner. A trained accredited mediator facilitates communication between family members and all parties involved helping them express their concerns and needs, leading to mutually agreeable solutions.

Faster Resolution

Court cases can drag on for months or even years. Mediation typically leads to quicker resolutions, allowing families to move forward with their lives sooner.

Preserves Relationships

Unlike court battles, mediation aims to preserve relationships rather than destroy them. It helps family members find common ground and work together to reach a resolution, which can be especially crucial when children are involved.


Mediation sessions are confidential, providing a safe space for open and honest discussions without fear of public exposure. Speak to the team for further information.